The Detrimental Effect of Long-Term Fuel Storage of Motorcycles

Posted by on Oct 17, 2023 in Blog

Properly storing a motorcycle for an extended period is crucial to maintaining its longevity and performance. One often overlooked aspect of motorcycle storage is the presence of fuel in the tank. While fuel is essential for the operation of the motorcycle, storing a motorcycle with fuel in it for extended periods can lead to severe damage. In this article, we will delve into the scientific explanations behind the detrimental effects of long-term fuel storage on motorcycles.

Understanding Fuel Composition:
To comprehend the potential harm caused by long-term fuel storage, it is important to understand the composition of gasoline. Gasoline typically consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil. It also contains additives that enhance its stability, performance, and resistance to degradation.

Fuel Degradation:
Over time, the volatile components of gasoline can evaporate, leading to a phenomenon known as fuel degradation. This process is accelerated by the exposure of the fuel to air, heat, and light. As the volatile components evaporate, the remaining fuel becomes less stable and prone to chemical changes.

Phase Separation:
One of the most significant risks associated with long-term fuel storage is phase separation. Gasoline contains small amounts of ethanol, which is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture from the surrounding environment. When fuel is stored for extended periods, the absorbed moisture can cause the ethanol and water to separate from the gasoline, forming distinct layers within the fuel tank.

Ethanol-Related Issues:
Ethanol is commonly added to gasoline as an octane booster and oxygenate. However, when phase separation occurs, the ethanol-water mixture can wreak havoc on the motorcycle’s fuel system. Ethanol has a corrosive effect on certain materials commonly found in fuel systems, such as rubber and plastic. This can lead to the deterioration of fuel lines, gaskets, seals, and other components, resulting in leaks or blockages.

Additionally, the separated water phase can lead to the formation of microbial growth, such as bacteria and fungi, within the fuel system. These microorganisms can thrive in the presence of water and organic material, potentially clogging fuel filters, injectors, and carburetors, and causing engine performance issues.

Fuel Oxidation:
Another consequence of long-term fuel storage is fuel oxidation. As the volatile components of gasoline evaporate, the remaining fuel is exposed to oxygen, leading to chemical reactions that result in the formation of varnish-like deposits. These deposits can accumulate on fuel injectors, carburetor jets, and other critical engine components, obstructing fuel flow and impairing engine performance.

Preventing Fuel-Related Damage:
To mitigate the detrimental effects of long-term fuel storage, several measures can be taken:

1. Fuel Stabilization: Adding a fuel stabilizer to the tank before storage can help slow down the oxidation and degradation processes, thereby preserving the fuel’s quality and stability.

2. Fuel Tank Preparation: Whenever possible, store the motorcycle with a full tank of fuel to minimize the air space available for oxidation. This reduces the fuel’s exposure to oxygen and limits the potential for moisture condensation.

3. Regular Maintenance: Implementing a comprehensive maintenance routine, including periodic fuel system inspections and cleaning, can help identify and address any fuel-related issues before they cause significant damage.

The customer brings in the bike, indicating run/drive-ability issues.
He had been at another shop and charged 7 hours of labor to rebuild carbs.
Come to find out……carbs had NEVER been pulled. Ethanol crystals in fuel bowls, fuel filter solidified, plugs fouled to the point of misfire, rust scale in the fuel tank.
This makes ALL OF US LOOK BAD In this industry.
I don’t raise a fuss about much….. but this kind of shit NEEDS TO STOP!
I will get this customer taken care of, and it will run adequately…… it should.

Craig Reed of Reed Cycleworks: Your Solution to Motorcycle Fuel Storage Woes

When it comes to addressing the challenges of long-term fuel storage and maintaining the integrity of your motorcycle, Craig Reed of Reed Cycleworks emerges as a trusted expert in the field. With a lifelong passion for motorcycles and an extensive background in their maintenance, Craig Reed brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. In this article, we will explore how Craig Reed’s expertise and dedication make him the go-to solution for any fuel-related issues discussed in the previous article.

A Lifetime of Riding and Working on Motorcycles:
Craig Reed’s journey with motorcycles began at a remarkably young age. He hopped on his first motorcycle at the tender age of three, igniting a lifelong love affair with these powerful machines. Throughout his childhood, Reed immersed himself in the world of motorcycles, honing his skills and knowledge in their operation and maintenance.

As he grew older, Reed’s passion for motorcycles evolved into a profession. He devoted countless hours to working on motorcycles, fine-tuning engines, diagnosing mechanical issues, and perfecting his craft. His hands-on experience and deep understanding of motorcycles have made him a respected authority in the industry.

Expertise in Fuel Systems and Maintenance:
One of Craig Reed’s areas of expertise lies in fuel systems and their maintenance. He recognizes the critical role that fuel plays in the overall performance and longevity of motorcycles. With an in-depth understanding of fuel composition, degradation processes, and the impact of long-term storage, Reed possesses the knowledge to tackle fuel-related challenges head-on.

Fuel Stabilization Techniques:
Reed Cycleworks offers professional services that address the specific needs of motorcycle fuel systems during storage. By employing the latest techniques and utilizing high-quality fuel stabilizers, Craig Reed ensures that the fuel in your motorcycle remains stable and protected against oxidation and degradation. His expertise enables him to determine the most suitable stabilizer for your motorcycle’s fuel composition, safeguarding its integrity over extended periods of inactivity.

Comprehensive Maintenance Solutions:
Craig Reed’s commitment to providing comprehensive maintenance solutions extends beyond fuel-related issues. Whether it’s inspecting fuel lines, cleaning carburetors, or diagnosing engine performance problems, Reed Cycleworks offers a range of services tailored to keep your motorcycle in optimal condition. With his extensive experience, Reed can identify potential fuel system problems before they escalate, saving you time, money, and headaches down the line.

A Trusted Partner for Motorcycle Enthusiasts:
Craig Reed’s reputation as a trustworthy and reliable partner for motorcycle enthusiasts has been built on a foundation of knowledge, experience, and a genuine passion for motorcycles. He understands the unique needs of each motorcycle and rider, and strives to provide personalized solutions that ensure peak performance and longevity.

When it comes to addressing the challenges associated with long-term fuel storage and maintaining the health of your motorcycle, Craig Reed of Reed Cycleworks stands out as an exceptional solution. With a lifelong dedication to motorcycles, extensive experience, and a deep understanding of fuel systems, Reed offers the expertise needed to safeguard your motorcycle’s fuel integrity and overall performance. Entrust your motorcycle to Craig Reed, and rest assured knowing that you have chosen a true expert in the field.